Universities In Nigeria are over 200 or more, they comprise both Accredited and non-accredited. Here I will be discussing the list of Universities in Nigeria both federal, state, and private universities in Nigeria.

Please have in mind that all the Nigerian universities I listed here are approved by the  National Universities Commission(NUC) of Nigeria, Below are all the accredited Universities in Nigeria (federal, state and private).

list of Universities-in-Nigeria

List Of Private Universities In Nigeria.

A private university is a group of universities owned, funded, and controlled by groups or churches or individuals with little or more insert to build a standard schooling environment.

List Of Federal Universities In Nigeria.

Federal Universities in Nigeria are universities established, found, funded, and owned by the federal government. These various universities are present in the 36 states in Nigeria and F.C.T. Here is the list of all the federal universities in Nigeria.

About the author

Collins Moses

A graduate of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, I Love reading, Writing, and Watching Movies, but Love writing the Most. Welcome to SchoolBlizz

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