Covenant University is one of the best universities in Nigerian which is owned by a Pentecostal Christian body, which is located at Ota, Ogun State and it was issued a license and certificate by NUC in 2002.

Covenant university Courses are highly courses with a high rate of employment and courses have one or few things to impact our society today. These courses are been lectured by high-profile or world-class lecturers and professors.

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Covenant University Courses

Covenant University has only four colleges now which have been listed below for any additional information you need you can still visit their official page

Colleges in Covenant University.

  1. College of Science And Technology (CST).
  2. College of Leadership Development Studies (CLDS).
  3. College of Engineering (COE).
  4. College of Management and Social Science (CMSS).

Covenant University Courses and Colleges.

College of Management and Social Science (CMSS).

This college is comprised of six Departments and it runs ten programmes in all. Below are the departments:

  1. Accounting
  2. Banking and Finance
  3. Business Management
    • Business Administration
    • Industrial Relations
    • Human Resource Management
    • Marketing
    • Entrepreneurship
  4. Economics
    • Economics
    • Demography
    • Social Statistics
  5. Mass Communication
    • Mass Communication
  6. Sociology
    • Sociology

College of Engineering (COE).

This college is comprised of five Departments and it runs nine programmes in all. Below are the departments:

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Electrical and Information Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Information and Communication Engineering
  4. Petroleum Engineering
  5. Chemical Engineering

College of Leadership Development Studies (CLDS).

This college is comprised of four Departments and it runs six programmes in all. Below are the departments:

  1. Political Science and International Relations.
    • International Relations
    • Policy and Strategic Studies
    • Political Science.
  2. Languages and General Studies
    • English
    • French
  3. Psychology.
  4. Leadership Studies

College of Science And Technology (CST).

This college is comprised of nine Departments and it runs eleven programmes in all. Below are the departments:

  1. Architecture
  2. Estate Management
  3. Chemistry
    • Chemistry with options in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry and Materials/Polymer Chemistry.
  4. Biological Sciences
    • Applied Biology and Biotechnology and Microbiology.
  5. Building Technology
  6. Estate Management
  7. Computer and Information Sciences
    • Computer Science.
    • Management Information System.
  8. Mathematics
    • Industrial Mathematics (Computer Science Option).
    • Industrial Mathematics (Statistics Option).
  9. Physics
    • Industrial physics-Applied Geophysics.
    • Industrial Physics-Electronics and IT Applications.
    • Industrial physics-renewable energy.

Admission Requirement for Covenant University.

I will be listing the admission requirement for each college in the Covenant University in the aspect of JAMB and o’ level (WAEC)

  • College of Science And Technology (CST).

The College of Science and Technology contains  Architecture, Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Computer and Information Sciences, Building Technology, Estate Management, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. Each Course listed is a four (4) years course for a Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc) you are required to have a minimum of five credits at your o’ level in subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English with any other subjects.

  • College of Leadership Development Studies (CLDS).

The College of Leadership Development Studies (CLDS) comprises English, French, Political Science, and International Relations and offers programs in International Relations, Policy and Strategic Studies, and Political Science. which all are run in the specific of four years in Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc). You are expected to have five credits in subjects like English, Mathematics, Economics, or Any other Two (2) Commercial, Social science, or Science Subjects

  • College of Engineering (COE).

The College of Engineering (COE) comprises of Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering  Moreover, the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering offers Computer Engineering, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering programs. Information & Communication Engineering. You are to have five credits in subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, and any other science courses to complete the required subjects to write.

  • College of Management and Social Science (CMSS).

The College of Management and Social Science (CMSS) is comprised of the Department of Accounting, the Department of Banking and Finance, Department of Business Management offers programs in Business Administration, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship, the Department of Economics offers programs in Economics, and Demography and Social Statistics, Department of Mass Communication Offers a program in Mass Communication and lastly the Department of Sociology.

About the author

Collins Moses

A graduate of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, I Love reading, Writing, and Watching Movies, but Love writing the Most. Welcome to SchoolBlizz

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